Fighting For Important Causes In State And Federal Courts

Who Does My University Report My Sexual Assault To?

Getting sexually assaulted while at school can be traumatizing for students trying to get a college education. Unfortunately, depending on the circumstances of your assault, your university may have few reporting requirements. Colleges and universities don’t have to...

Sexual Assault Statute of Limitations for Each State in 2023

Filing a lawsuit against an abuser is every sexual assault survivor’s right. However, to do so successfully, you must bring a claim within your state’s statute of limitations. In the United States, the statute of limitations to file a civil lawsuit against a sexual...

What Are the Legal Options if a Teenager Sexually Abuses Another Minor?

Every parent’s worst nightmare is learning that their child has been sexually abused. If a teenager abused your child, it’s important to learn your legal options. After learning that a teenager sexually abused your child, report the abuse to the necessary parties to...

What Laws Protect Students’ Rights in Pennsylvania?

As a student, you may never consider what rights you have until you feel violated. That’s why it’s important to learn your rights as a Pennsylvania student so you can speak out when a school does wrong. Students in Pennsylvania have more rights than they may realize....

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