How Do I Prove that My Civil Rights Were Violated?

Fighting For Important Causes In State And Federal Courts

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. There are now also added protections for those with physical or mental disabilities and those with different sexual orientations. Unfortunately, even in 2023, many citizens are still victims of unjust, discriminatory behavior. If your civil rights were violated, then you may be entitled to payment for the harm you endured.

In order to prove that a civil rights violation occurred, you must present compelling evidence. There are many types of evidence that you may utilize. After your free case review, our legal team can begin gathering the information you need to win your case.

Seek support and guidance from our experienced civil rights violation lawyers by calling The Law Office of Andrew Shubin today at (814) 826-3586.

Common Evidence Used to Prove that Discriminatory Actions Occurred

Proving that you were the victim of discriminatory actions can be a complicated process. There are multiple types of evidence that can be used to support your claims. Still, some forms of evidence are utilized more often than others. The following are common examples of evidence used by plaintiffs in civil rights cases:

Witness Statements

Witness statements can be very valuable when proving your civil rights case. Both written and oral testimonies from witnesses who observed the discriminatory behavior at issue can serve as powerful evidence for your claim. Our civil rights lawyers can assist when reaching out to witnesses for their potential cooperation.

Photographs and Videos

You can also use photographs and videos to support your civil rights claim. Visual documentation of discriminatory incidents or practices can provide convincing evidence. When building your claim, you should carefully investigate whether any relevant sources of visual evidence exist.


Furthermore, some plaintiffs in civil rights cases utilize audio recordings to support their claims. Recording discriminatory statements, conversations, or interactions can be very helpful to establishing discriminatory intent.

You should attempt to acquire an audio recording that proves you were discriminated against if you can. However, you do not need to put yourself in dangerous or compromising situations to obtain such evidence. Such recordings are only one of many types of evidence that can be used to support your case.

Written Communication:

Finally, written communications can also be highly valuable to plaintiffs in civil rights cases. Written communication is regularly used in cases involving discriminatory policies, practices, or remarks. Examples of evidence in this category include emails, text messages, internal memos, written complaints and formal policies. Support from our legal team can be highly valuable when analyzing your case and searching for relevant communications.

Examples of Specific Evidence Used to Demonstrate Disparate Treatment in Civil Rights Cases

Disparate treatment refers to situations where individuals who are members of a protected class are treated differently than other by an employer. There are certain types of evidence that are often used specifically to demonstrate that disparate treatment has occurred. Examples of such evidence include the following:

Comparative Data

First, comparative data can be used to prove that you were the victim of disparate treatment. Comparative data or statistical analyses that highlight disparities in treatment, such as differences in discipline, hiring practices, promotions, or salaries, can help establish a pattern of discrimination.

Performance Evaluations

Also, performance evaluations can be presented to show that disparate treatment has occurred. Performance evaluations that reveal biased language or discrepancies in the treatment of similarly situated employees can serve as convincing evidence.

Personnel Files

Personnel files are another form of evidence often used by plaintiffs seeking to demonstrate disparate treatment. Peoples’ personnel files may reveal discriminatory actions, remarks, or patterns of behavior. However, accessing such files may be problematic. Support from our legal team can be very helpful when seeking to review applicable personnel files in your case.

Using Expert Witness Testimony in Civil Rights Cases

Expert witnesses are considered experts because they have completed the requisite education, training, and experience in their respective fields. In complex civil rights cases, expert witnesses are regularly asked to provide professional opinions that support plaintiffs’ claims of discrimination. There are several different types of expert witness testimony that may be presented by plaintiffs.

Statistical Experts

First, testimony from statistical experts is regularly used in civil rights cases. These expert witnesses can analyze data provide statistical evidence that supports claims of disparate treatment or impact.

Psychologists and Sociologists

Testimony from psychologists and sociologists may also be presented. Experts in psychology or sociology can testify about unconscious biases, stereotyping, or the impact of discriminatory actions on individuals and their communities. During your free case evaluation, our team can help determine if testimony from a psychologist or sociologist may be helpful to your case.

Human Resources Experts

Finally, statements made by human resource experts can be very useful to plaintiffs in civil rights cases. Human resources experts can analyze company policies, procedures, and practices to determine if they comply with anti-discrimination laws. Moreover, they may also provide testimony that helps demonstrate a systemic bias.

Personal Testimony and Affidavits in Civil Rights Cases

Lastly, your own personal testimony, supported by credible testimony from others who have experienced similar violations, can be very helpful to your civil rights case. There are multiple ways that such evidence can be utilized.

Your Personal Recollection

Your own, detailed recollection of your experience can serve as powerful evidence. Accordingly, while your memory is fresh, you should attempt to record a detailed and consistent account of the discriminatory incidents you have personally suffered.

Character Witnesses

Furthermore, testimony from character witnesses may also help your claim. Statements from colleagues, supervisors, or other individuals who can attest to your character and reputation may support your credibility and undermine a defendant’s attempts to disprove your claims.

Call Our Law Firm for Help with Your Civil Rights Case

If you need help proving that your civil rights were violated, reach out to our experienced civil rights violation lawyers at The Law Office of Andrew Shubin by dialing (814) 826-3586.


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