Fighting For Important Causes In State And Federal Courts

Statute of Limitations on Sexual Abuse Lawsuits in Nebraska

Fewer acts are as harmful as sexual abuse. While most people think sexual abuse is prosecuted as a crime, victims can also file a lawsuit to get financial compensation as justice. However, Nebraska places a time limit known as the “statute of limitations” on all types...

Statute of Limitations on Sexual Abuse Lawsuits in Montana

When suing for sexual abuse, plaintiffs (victims) need to be aware of how the statute of limitations might affect their case.  States set filing deadlines for criminal and civil cases, often limiting the amount of time that sexual abuse survivors have to file their...

Statute of Limitations on Sexual Abuse Lawsuits in Missouri

A statute of limitations is a law put in place to set an outside time limit on how long someone has to sue.  Criminal cases also have these laws, but there are usually separate standards governing how long an abuse victim has to step forward and file a civil case for...

Statute of Limitations on Sexual Abuse Lawsuits in Colorado

Sexual abuse survivors often have a difficult time knowing when they can bring their case.  There are statutes of limitations – laws that block lawsuits after a certain time has expired – for both criminal cases and civil cases.  These laws often have different...

Should Victims of Sexual Abuse Settle or Go to Court?

Victims of sexual abuse often feel haunted by the experience for years, sometimes for the rest of their lives. A civil lawsuit can bring you the closure you need to move on, but what happens if you are offered a settlement? Settlements are very common in various civil...

Statute of Limitations on Sexual Abuse Lawsuits in Mississippi

It is not unusual for victims of sexual abuse to wait a long time before coming forward about the abuse. This can make civil claims hard to try, as the statute of limitations in Mississippi is extremely limited. Generally, the limitation period lasts for only 3 years....

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